ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Naval weaponry of the People's Liberation Army Navy

Okay kiddo, so you know how there are big ships in the ocean called navy ships that can move around and shoot things? Well, the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLA Navy) in China has navy ships too, and they have weapons on them to protect their country and their people.

One of the weapons that the PLA Navy has is missiles. These are like small rockets that can be shot from the ship and fly through the air to hit something far away. The missiles can go really fast and can destroy things like other ships or planes that are trying to harm China.

The PLA Navy also has guns on their ships. These are like the guns that people use, but much bigger and more powerful. The guns can shoot really far and can hit targets that are far away. They are usually mounted on the ships, which means they are fixed in one place and can't move around like a regular gun.

The PLA Navy also has torpedoes. These are like big underwater missiles that can be launched from the ship. They move quickly under the water and can hit things like other ships or submarines. It's like shooting a big fish at an enemy ship!

Lastly, the PLA Navy has anti-aircraft systems. These are like big guns that are pointed up to the sky to shoot down planes that might be trying to bomb the ship or other targets on land. The anti-aircraft guns are very powerful and can shoot many rounds at once to protect the ship and the people onboard.

Overall, the PLA Navy has many different types of weapons to protect China and their people. They are always making sure that they are ready to defend their country if they need to.