Ndlovukati is a word that comes from a language spoken in a country called Eswatini. It is a special word that describes someone who is very important in Eswatini. The word "ndlovo" means "elephant" and "ukati" means "wife". So when you put those words together, "ndlovukati" means "wife of the elephant". It doesn't mean that she's married to an actual elephant, but it's just a way to show how important and powerful she is.
The person who is called ndlovukati is actually the mother of the king in Eswatini. The king is the leader of the country, kind of like a boss. And his mother, the ndlovukati, is also very important. She helps the king make decisions and gives advice. She also has her own duties and responsibilities, like taking care of the people in the country and making sure that everything is going well.
The ndlovukati is kind of like a queen, but she has a different role than a queen in other countries. Instead of being married to the king, she is his mother. And even though the king is the leader, the ndlovukati is still very respected and has a lot of power. So she is someone who is very important and plays a big role in the country of Eswatini.