A Neapolitan flip coffee pot is a special kind of coffee maker that helps you make coffee. It comes in three parts - the bottom container where you add water, a middle part that holds the coffee grounds and a top part that collects the coffee once it's brewed.
To use the Neapolitan flip coffee pot, you need to fill the bottom container with water and put it on the stove to heat up. Once the water is hot, you add coffee grounds to the middle part and place it inside the bottom container.
Then, you put the top part on top of the middle part and wait for the coffee to brew. As it brews, the coffee will move from the middle part to the top part. Once it's done, you can flip the pot over to pour the coffee out.
The best part about a Neapolitan flip coffee pot is that it's easy to use and makes delicious coffee. It's also a fun way to make coffee and can be a great conversation starter. However, it's important to be careful when using it as the heated water can be very hot and can cause burns.