ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Negusie v. Holder

Negusie v. Holder was a court case that was decided by the US Supreme Court in 2009. It was about a man named Kiflu Negusie who wanted to be granted asylum in the United States. Asylum means that someone is allowed to live in a new country because they are afraid that they will be harmed or persecuted if they stay in their home country.

Kiflu Negusie was originally from Eritrea, which is a country in Africa. He had worked for the Eritrean government, but eventually he left because he felt that he was being asked to do things that he thought were wrong. Kiflu then fled to Ethiopia, which is a neighboring country, but he was eventually caught and taken back to Eritrea.

When Kiflu was back in Eritrea, he was put in jail and tortured because he had left the country without permission. He later managed to escape again and went to the United States, where he asked for asylum.

The case went to the Supreme Court because the US government said that Kiflu should not be granted asylum because he had worked for the Eritrean government before he left. The government argued that Kiflu's past actions made him ineligible for asylum.

The Supreme Court ultimately ruled in favor of Kiflu. The court said that just because Kiflu had worked for the Eritrean government before, it didn't mean that he couldn't be granted asylum. The court also said that the government had to look at each case individually, and consider all the facts before making a decision on asylum.

In summary, Negusie v. Holder was a court case about a man named Kiflu Negusie who wanted asylum in the United States. The case went to the Supreme Court, which ruled that Kiflu could be granted asylum even though he had worked for his country's government before leaving.