ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Neher–McGrath method

The neher-mcgrath method is a way to figure out how much electrical power can be carried by a wire without it getting too hot and melting. Think of it like a race where the wire is the runner, and the electrical power is the weight they have to carry. If the weight is too heavy, the runner will get too tired and might collapse.

The neher-mcgrath method takes into account all the different factors that affect how much power a wire can carry before getting too hot. Factors like the material the wire is made of, the thickness of the wire, the temperature outside, and how the wire is insulated.

Using this method, engineers can make sure that the wires used in things like power lines and circuit boards can safely carry the electrical power they need to without causing any problems. It's like making sure the runners in the race are strong enough to carry the weight without getting hurt.