ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nek Chand

Nek Chand was a very talented man who lived in India. When he was younger, he loved to play and make things from rocks and other things he found outside. He loved finding different shapes and colors to make pretty art.

Later in life, Nek Chand decided to create something really big and special. He wanted to make a big garden with rocks, trees, and other things he found outside. He spent many years carrying rocks and other things to the garden that he had created secretly and all by himself.

Every day he would go to work, carrying stones and building up his garden. It was a very big job, but he loved doing it. He would create paths, ponds, and beautiful rock sculptures. The garden was so big that it looked like a dreamland! It was a place where people could go and enjoy the beautiful nature.

The problem was that he had built it on government land, so people were not supposed to go to it. When the government found out about it, they were mad and wanted it to be destroyed. But so many people had come to love it, that they protested loudly and the officials finally decided not to destroy it, but instead to make it a public garden!

Nek Chand's garden became very famous and people came from all over the world to see it. Many people even gave him rocks and other things to add to his beautiful garden. He became a hero and an inspiration for people all over the world.

Nek Chand passed away in 2015 and his beautiful garden remained as a symbol of his creativity and hard work. To this day, it is considered one of the most incredible works of art and creativity ever made by one person.