ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Neo-chalcedonism is a big word that means a way of thinking about Jesus - you know, the guy who lived a long, long time ago and people say he's the son of God. Some people believe he was a special kind of person who was both a human being and also God at the same time. This idea is called "the hypostatic union."

Neo-chalcedonism is a way of thinking about the hypostatic union that was developed in the 5th century by some really smart people who met at a big meeting called the Council of Chalcedon. They said that Jesus was both fully human and fully God, but also that these two natures were separate and didn't mix together like water and oil. They said that Jesus had a special kind of nature that was a mix of both human and divine stuff, but still different from both.

Some people really like neo-chalcedonism because they say it helps us understand more about who Jesus was and why he was important. Others don't like it so much because they think it's too complicated and makes things even harder to understand. But no matter what you think about it, it's just one way of thinking about Jesus - there are lots of others out there too!