ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Neo-grec is a type of architectural style that was popular during the 19th century.

Think of a house or building like a cake. When people build houses, they can decide what kind of "icing" or "decorations" they want to put on it. Neo-grec is one of those "decorations."

Neo-grec is basically a style that takes inspiration from the architecture of ancient Greece. This means that the buildings that have a neo-grec style might have columns, friezes, or other details that look like they were inspired by the buildings in ancient Greece.

It's like dressing up a regular outfit with a fancy hat, or adding sprinkles to your ice cream. It's a way to make the building look fancier and more interesting.

So when you hear people talking about neo-grec architecture, it just means that the building has these fancy details inspired by ancient Greece.