ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nether Mill

Okay kiddo, have you ever played Minecraft? You know how in Minecraft you can go to the Nether, which is a scary and dangerous place full of lava and monsters? Well, a Nether Mill is a special kind of machine that some clever Minecraft players have figured out how to build, to help them get lots and lots of items from the Nether without having to risk their lives every time they go there.

So, you know how in Minecraft you can mine things like diamonds and gold and iron? Well, in the Nether you can find a special kind of ore called Nether Quartz. But it's really hard to find the Quartz, and it's also really dangerous because there are lots of monsters that can attack you while you're looking for it. So, Minecraft players who want to get lots of Nether Quartz have come up with a way to make a machine that can do it for them, called a Nether Mill.

The way a Nether Mill works is pretty simple. First, you make a big room in the Nether and fill it up with lots of lava and water. Then, you put a special kind of block called a Hopper at one end of the room. A Hopper is like a funnel that items can go into. Then, you use a special kind of item called a Dropper to drop lots of things like cobblestone or dirt or even useless stuff like rotten flesh into the room. When the items fall into the lava and water, they start to float around and get pushed towards the Hopper.

The Nether Mill uses a clever trick to automatically mine the Nether Quartz for you. When the floating items get close to the Hopper, they get sucked into it and collected. But, there's also a block called a Block of Quartz that looks almost exactly like Nether Quartz. When the floating items push up against the Block of Quartz, it breaks the Block and turns it into Nether Quartz, and then the Nether Quartz gets collected by the Hopper!

So, by building a Nether Mill, you can get lots of Nether Quartz without having to go to the Nether yourself and risk getting attacked by monsters. It's a bit complicated to set up, but once you have it working, you'll be able to get lots of valuable items without having to put yourself in danger.