ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Network Data Representation

Okay kiddo, so when you use the internet, your computer needs to send and receive information from other computers. This information is called data.

But, the way your computer stores and sends data might not be the same as how other computers do it. It's like speaking different languages.

So to make sure everyone can understand each other, we use a standard way of representing data called network data representation. It's like having a translator that converts the data into a language everyone can understand.

Think of it like a secret code between computers. When one computer sends data to another computer, it uses the code to make sure the information is in a format the other computer can read.

This way, different types of computers, like your laptop or your phone, can communicate with each other without getting confused. It helps them to understand each other's information even if they speak different languages.

Hope that makes sense, kiddo!