ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Neutron spin echo

Okay, so imagine you have a toy car that has a spinning wheel inside. If you roll the car forward, you can see the wheel spinning. If you roll the car backwards, the wheel will still spin in the same direction, but it might not look the same because you're looking at it from a different angle.

Now, let's say instead of a toy car, we have tiny particles called neutrons. They also have a spinning motion, just like the wheel in the toy car. In science, we can use these spinning neutrons to learn about materials and how they behave.

A neutron spin echo is a special way scientists can look at those spinning neutrons. Imagine you have three mirrors in a row, and you shine a flashlight at them. The first mirror reflects the light to the second mirror, and then the light bounces off the second mirror and onto the third mirror. When the light hits the third mirror, it reflects back to the second mirror, and then the first mirror, creating an echo effect.

Scientists use a similar concept with neutron spin echo. Instead of mirrors, they use a special device called a magnet. They shoot neutrons through the magnet, which causes them to spin a certain way. Then, they shoot the neutrons through another magnet that spins them in the opposite direction. Finally, the neutrons pass through the first magnet again, which spins them back to their original direction.

Just like the flashlight example, this back-and-forth spinning creates a "spin echo" effect. By measuring the changes in the neutron spins as they pass through the magnets, scientists can learn a lot of information about the materials they're studying. For example, neutron spin echo can be used to study how liquids flow through tiny spaces in a material, or how magnetic fields affect the behavior of certain materials.

So that's neutron spin echo in a nutshell! It's a way of using the spinning motion of tiny particles called neutrons to learn about the properties of materials.