ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

New Hampshire Liberty Alliance

Okay kiddo, so the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance is a group of grown-ups who really care about something called liberty. Liberty means having the freedom to do what you want as long as you aren't hurting anybody else.

The people in this group want to make sure that the grown-ups in New Hampshire (which is a state in the United States) are making good decisions about how to protect our liberty. They spend a lot of time learning about the different laws and rules that the grown-ups make, and they try to make sure that those laws and rules don't take away our liberty in any way.

They also want to help people who want to run for office, which is like trying to become the boss of a big group of grown-ups that make decisions, understand the idea of liberty and how important it is. They think that the more people who understand what liberty is and why it's so important, the better we can all live together.