ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

New South Wales Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme

Okay kiddo, so you know that when we burn things like coal or gasoline, it makes a gas called carbon dioxide. That gas can make the Earth go too warm and hurt the planet. But we want to stop that from happening!

So in New South Wales, they made a plan to help stop making too much of that gas. They call it the Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme.

Here's how it works:

When people and businesses make a lot of that gas, they have to pay money. But if they can think of ways to make less of the gas, then they can get some of that money back. That means they have a good reason to try harder to stop making so much pollution!

Some things they can do are use more clean energy, like solar panels or windmills, instead of burning things that make the gas. They can also use machines and cars that are more efficient, which means they use less gas to do the same work. And they can even plant more trees, because trees take in the gas and use it to grow!

All of this means that people and businesses are trying to be more careful about how they use energy and make less of the gas that can hurt the planet. And that makes the world a better place for you, me, and all the animals too!