ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

New Union Treaty

Alright kiddo, so imagine you and your friends like to play together and you all decide that you want to make a club. You come up with some rules and decide that everyone in the club will help each other out and play fair. This is kind of like what the new union treaty is all about, but on a much bigger scale.

Basically, there are a bunch of countries in Europe that have decided to work together more closely. They want to have rules in place to help each other out and make sure everyone is treated fairly.

The new union treaty is like a big set of rules that all the countries in the European Union (EU) have agreed to follow. It covers things like how they will trade with each other, how they will deal with problems that affect all of them, and how they will work together to make things better.

The treaty also sets up some new things that the EU can do. For example, they can now work together to protect the environment more effectively, and they can help each other out more if there's a crisis, like a natural disaster or a pandemic.

Overall, the new union treaty is all about making sure that the countries in the EU work together and look out for each other. Just like how you and your friends try to help each other out when you're playing together in your club!