ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

New Zealand standard school buildings

Okay, so you know how when you go to school, you have classrooms and a playground to play in, right? Well, in New Zealand, there are rules that say how these school buildings and playgrounds have to be built and kept safe.

These rules are called the New Zealand Standard School Buildings, and they are like a big guidebook for people who build and look after schools. The guidebook tells them what kinds of materials to use to make the buildings strong and safe, and how big the rooms should be for all the kids that go to school.

The guidebook also talks about things like making sure there are enough doors and windows for fresh air to come in, and how to make sure the lights and electricity work properly. It's really important to follow these rules, so that all the kids can go to school and learn without any problems.

The New Zealand Standard School Buildings even talks about the playgrounds! It says how big they have to be, and what types of things the kids need to be able to play on safely. They don't want anyone to get hurt while they are playing, after all!

So, to sum up, the New Zealand Standard School Buildings is like a big guidebook that teaches people how to build and keep schools safe and fun for all the kids.