ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

News Corporation (1980–2013)

News Corporation was a big company that started in the year 1980 and existed until 2013. It was created by a powerful man named Rupert Murdoch.

Now, let's pretend that the company is like a big cake with different slices. News Corporation had many small pieces, or divisions, under its umbrella. One of these was the famous Fox News channel. Remember, Fox News is just a small part of the whole News Corporation cake!

The company was involved in many things. It controlled lots of television, radio, and newspaper companies all around the world. They owned newspapers like The Wall Street Journal and The Sun, which many people read to get their daily news.

News Corporation also owned a company called HarperCollins, which published lots of books. Just like Fox News, this was also just another slice of the big cake.

But sometimes, the company faced some problems. In 2011, there was a huge scandal with one of their British newspapers called News of the World. Some people who worked for the newspaper were accused of doing bad things to get stories for the newspaper. This made a lot of people very angry and caused a lot of trouble for News Corporation.

Because of all the problems, News Corporation decided to make a change in 2013. They split the big cake into two smaller ones. One part was called 21st Century Fox, and it had all the entertainment businesses like television shows and movies. The other part was called News Corp, and it had all the publishing businesses like newspapers and books.

So, even though News Corporation is no longer around, some of its slices still exist today in different forms.