ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nike laser

Hey there little buddy! Have you ever heard of Nike? They are a company that makes cool shoes and clothes that lots of people like to wear! One thing they have been working on is something called a laser.

A laser is a special tool that shoots out a really strong and focused beam of light. It's like a superpowered flashlight! Nike has been using these lasers to help make shoes.

Before a shoe is made, there is usually a big piece of material that needs to be cut into the right shape. This is called pattern cutting. With the help of a laser, the cutting process becomes really precise and quick. The laser can follow the pattern and cut the material perfectly every time. It's like using a special pair of scissors that always cut straight and never mess up!

But the laser isn't just for cutting. Sometimes, people want to put designs or words on their shoes. This is where the laser really shines (get it? shines like a flashlight!). The laser can burn out designs onto the shoe material, almost like drawing with a magic wand that uses light instead of ink.

So, that's what Nike laser is all about. It's a tool that helps make shoes by cutting and burning designs onto them. Pretty cool, huh?