ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nimrud ivories

Okay kiddo, let me explain to you what Nimrud ivories are. So, a long time ago, there was a place called Nimrud in Iraq, and there were some really talented artists living there. These artists made small sculptures out of ivory, which is a type of material that comes from the tusks of elephants.

Now, these Nimrud ivories were really special because they were very detailed and had lots of designs on them. Some of them had pictures of animals, like lions and horses, while others had pictures of people doing everyday things like working or relaxing.

These carvings were so detailed that even the muscles in the animals' legs and the expressions on people's faces were shown. They were used for decorative purposes and some think they may have even been given as gifts to kings and queens back then.

People found out about these Nimrud ivories and they became really famous. People started collecting them, and now, many of them are on display in museums so that people like you can see them and appreciate the beauty and skill of the artists who made them.
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