ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nine-valued logic

Ok, kiddo, so you know how when we play with toys we can either have them or not have them, right? Like you can have a toy car or you don't have a toy car. Well, when we talk about things in real life, it's not always that simple. Sometimes things can be partly true and partly not true.

So, people who study really smart math and computer things have come up with a way to explain how some things can be partly true and it's called "nine-valued logic". That means instead of having just two options, like having or not having something, there are nine different possible answers.

Imagine a very powerful robot that can look at things and tell you if they are true or false. That robot is called a "logical operator" and when it looks at something it can say it's true or false or it can also say maybe or it's not clear or it's kind of true or kind of not true, etc.

So, when we talk about nine-valued logic, we are talking about nine different things that the robot can say. These things are called "truth values" and they help us understand things better when they are not just completely true or completely false.

Nine-valued logic is like having more crayons in the box than just black or white. It gives us more ways to express ourselves or communicate things that are not always black or white, but somewhere in between.
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