ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so you know about cells, right? Well, niosomes are like tiny little cells that are made in a lab instead of by Mother Nature. They're made of the same kinds of building blocks as cells in our bodies, like fats and oils.

Now, what makes niosomes special is that they can carry things really well. Think of them like little Lego cars that can carry other Lego pieces. These things they carry can be all sorts of stuff, like medicine, vitamins, or even just simple things like moisturizers for your skin.

The niosomes can travel through your body and bring whatever they're carrying to the right place. They can even get through places like the skin or the stomach lining that can be hard for other things to get through. This means that niosomes can be a really helpful way to get medicine where it needs to go in your body, without causing any harm to other parts of your body.

So, to sum it up, niosomes are little cells made in a lab that can carry things like medicine or moisturizer to the right place in your body. Kinda cool, huh?