ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Niyama is a big word that talks about habits and things that people do to take good care of themselves. It's like a list of rules that helps us be happy and healthy.

The first part of Niyama is called Shaucha, which means keeping clean. This means taking a bath, brushing your teeth, and washing your hands before you eat. It's important to keep your body and your environment clean because it helps you stay healthy.

The next part is called Santosha, which means being happy with what you have. This means being grateful and appreciative of the things you have in your life; like your home, your family, and your friends. Being happy with what you have makes you feel good inside.

The third part of Niyama is called Tapas, which means being disciplined. This means doing things like exercising, eating healthy food, and reading books. Doing these things every day helps you be strong and focused.

The fourth part of Niyama is called Svadhyaya, which means studying yourself. This means taking time to think about who you are, what you want in life, and the things you need to do to be happy. It's like looking in a mirror and asking yourself, "Am I happy? What do I need to change to be even happier?"

The last part of Niyama is called Ishvara pranidhana, which means trusting in something greater than yourself. This means believing that there is something wonderful and powerful out there that can help you when you need it. It can be a religion, a spiritual practice, or just believing that the world is full of good things.

When you follow Niyama and do things like keeping clean, being happy with what you have, exercising, studying yourself, and trusting in something greater than yourself, you will feel happy, healthy, and strong inside and out!
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