ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nodal analysis

Okay kiddo, so you know that in order to understand electricity we need to know how it flows, right? Just like how water flows from one place to another, electricity also flows from one place to another.

Now, when we have a circuit with many different parts, it can get a bit tricky to understand exactly how the electricity is flowing. That's where nodal analysis comes in!

Nodal analysis helps us figure out how the electricity is flowing in different parts of the circuit. It does this by putting little imaginary points called "nodes" in different places in the circuit. These nodes help us understand how much electricity is flowing in and out of different parts of the circuit.

Let's say we have a circuit with a battery and a few different resistors (which are things that slow down the flow of electricity). We can pick a few different nodes to place in different parts of the circuit. Then, we use some special math equations to figure out how much electricity is flowing in and out of each node.

By doing this, we can get a better picture of how the electricity is flowing through each different part of the circuit. This can help us understand if there are any problems or if we need to change anything to make the circuit work better.

So there you have it, nodal analysis is like putting little imaginary points in a circuit to help us understand how much electricity is flowing in and out of different parts of the circuit.