ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nogi Maresuke

Nogi Maresuke was a very important person in Japan a long time ago. He was born in 1849 and lived until 1912. He was a soldier and a leader who helped make Japan a stronger country.

Nogi became a famous general during the Russo-Japanese War. This was a big war between Japan and Russia that happened in the early 1900s. Nogi was in charge of one of Japan's biggest battles during the war, and he helped Japan win. People were really proud of him for that.

After the war, Nogi became even more important. He was given a special job – to help plan a very important event called the Meiji Emperor's funeral. The Meiji Emperor was the ruler of Japan for a long time, and when he died, it was a big deal. It was Nogi's job to make sure that everything went smoothly and that everyone showed proper respect.

Nogi took this job very seriously. In fact, he took it so seriously that he decided to do something that was very unusual. Nogi and his wife decided to kill themselves right after the funeral. This might sound really weird, but in Japan, it was a way of showing extreme loyalty. Nogi believed that he needed to die with the Meiji Emperor because he was so devoted to him.

So, on the day of the funeral, Nogi and his wife got dressed up in their best clothes and went to the funeral. After everything was over, they went back home and wrote some letters to their family and friends. Then, they put on their special clothes and took out two swords. They used these swords to kill themselves, and they died together.

A lot of people were shocked when they heard about what Nogi did. Some people thought it was really brave, while others thought it was crazy. But no matter what people thought, Nogi became a hero to many Japanese people. They saw him as a symbol of loyalty and honor, and they respected him for his sacrifice. That's why he is still remembered today, more than 100 years later.