ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nogueira Ferrão

Well kiddo, Nogueira Ferrão is actually two last names put together. It's a name used by people in Portugal and some other places where Portuguese is spoken.

Nogueira is the name of a tree with some pretty cool features. It has big leaves that are shaped like hands with fingers. And it produces yummy nuts that squirrels and other animals love to eat.

Ferrão, on the other hand, means something completely different. It comes from an old word that means a pointed tool. It's kind of like a nail or a screw, but sharper and pointier.

So when you put the two names together, Nogueira Ferrão, you have a name that sounds pretty fancy and important. But really, it just means someone whose family tree has roots in two different things: a tree with cool leaves and yummy nuts, and a pointy tool.