Hi there little one! Do you know what noise means? It's when we can't hear things properly because there are too many sounds. Well, noisy text is kind of like that, but with words instead of sounds.
When we write something, we want others to understand us clearly. But sometimes, the way we write makes it hard for people to understand what we mean. This is called noisy text!
So, imagine you're writing a story about a cat. You might say "The cat was happy and content as it sat in the sun." That's a clear sentence and everyone would understand what you mean.
But if you wrote "the kitteh wuz supes happy chillin in teh sun ☀️😻", that might be noisy text. Why? Because it's harder to understand what you mean.
Noisy text can also happen when we use lots of abbreviations or slang words, or when we don't use proper spelling or grammar. When we talk to our friends, it's okay to use slang and casual language. But when we're writing something important, like a school essay or a work email, we should make sure our writing is clear and not too noisy.
So always remember, clear writing is important!📝