ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Non-subscribing Presbyterian Church of Ireland

Okay kiddo, let me explain to you what the non-subscribing Presbyterian Church of Ireland is.

So, first we need to understand what Presbyterians are. They are a group of Christians who believe in the idea of a group of leaders, or elders, who help run the church instead of just one person. They also believe in the importance of the Bible and following its teachings.

Now, some Presbyterians believe that everyone in the church should believe in everything exactly the same way, called subscribing. However, there are others who believe it's okay for people to have different beliefs about some things, called non-subscribing.

The non-subscribing Presbyterian Church of Ireland is a group of Presbyterians who believe that people can have different ideas and beliefs about certain parts of the church's teachings. They still follow the Bible and have leaders who help run the church, but they don't require everyone to believe the same exact things.

So, basically, the non-subscribing Presbyterian Church of Ireland is a church where people can have different beliefs about some things, but they still come together to worship and follow the Bible.