ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Normal coordinates

Imagine you are playing a game of treasure hunt and you have a map that tells you where the treasure is hidden. But sometimes the map is not very clear or easy to read, so it's hard to figure out exactly where to look for the treasure.

Normal coordinates are like a special kind of map that makes it easier to find the treasure (or in our case, a point in space). Instead of just telling you the exact location of the treasure, it gives you two more pieces of information that help you find it more easily.

The first piece of information is how far away the treasure is from a certain point called the "origin". Think of the origin as the starting point on your map. The second piece of information is which direction the treasure is in, relative to the origin.

Let's say you are playing the treasure hunt game in a big field. You could use normal coordinates to describe where the treasure is located. You might say, "The treasure is 10 steps away from the big oak tree, and it's directly east of the tree."

This is similar to how normal coordinates work in math. We use them to describe where points are located in space. Instead of using words like "north" or "south," we use numbers and symbols to describe which direction the point is in. And instead of using steps to measure distance, we use a special kind of unit called "units of measure."

So, normal coordinates are a way of describing where things are located in space by giving you two more pieces of information besides just the exact location. They tell you how far away something is from a certain point (the origin), and which direction it is in relative to that point.