ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

North American railroad signals

Okay kiddo, you know how when we're driving in the car, there are traffic lights and signs to tell us when it's okay to go and when it's not okay to go? Well, trains also have signals to tell them when it's safe to go and when they need to stop.

The signals on railroad tracks are different from the ones we see on the road. They use lights and shapes to communicate with the engineer driving the train.

The most important signal is the red stop signal. This means the train needs to stop because there might be another train or something else on the tracks ahead.

There are also yellow and green signals. A yellow signal means the train needs to slow down because it might have to stop soon. A green signal means the train can keep going at the same speed it already is.

Sometimes there are also other shapes like a “X” or a “W” that tell the engineer what they need to do. For example, an “X” means they need to stop and wait for another train to pass before continuing down the tracks.

Railroad signals are really important because they keep all the trains safe and make sure they don't run into each other.