Okay so you know how everything is made up of tiny things called atoms and these atoms like to stick together and make bigger things called molecules? Well, one kind of molecule is called nucleic acid and it's special because it helps control how our bodies work.
Nucleic acid has these little pieces inside of it called nucleotides and they are very important because they tell the nucleic acid what to do. But sometimes the nucleotides get too excited and start sticking together too much or not enough and this can cause problems.
That's where thermodynamics comes in. Thermodynamics is like a set of rules that tell us how things like molecules behave when they get hot or cold or when they are next to other molecules. So if we know the thermodynamics of nucleic acid we can figure out how to control it better.
Think of it like a recipe for baking a cake. You have to know how much flour and sugar and eggs to use and how long to bake it for or else it won't turn out right. The same goes for nucleic acid, we need to know how hot or cold it should be and how the nucleotides should stick together so that it works the way it's supposed to in our bodies.
Scientists use special machines and experiments to study nucleic acid thermodynamics and make sure it's working correctly. And by understanding nucleic acid thermodynamics better, we can create new medicines or treatments for diseases that affect it. So by studying something really tiny like nucleic acid thermodynamics, we can make a big impact on our health!