ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nurse–client relationship

A nurse-client relationship is when a person who helps people who are sick or hurt (called a nurse) works closely with a person who needs help (called a client).

When a nurse meets a client, they will talk to them and try to understand what they need help with. The nurse will ask the client questions to learn about their medical history, symptoms, and how they feel.

As the relationship grows, the nurse will work with the client to develop a care plan. A care plan is like a list of things that the nurse and the client will do together to make the client feel better.

The relationship between a nurse and a client is really important because it helps the client trust the nurse. The nurse will help the client feel comfortable when they talk about their problems and make sure they get the care they need.

Just like when you have a friend, you and your friend need to trust each other and talk to each other nicely. The same is true for the nurse and client relationship. It's important for both the nurse and the client to speak kindly to each other, listen to each other, and work together to get the client feeling better.