ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nyasaland African Congress

Okay kiddo, so Nyasaland African Congress was a group of people who lived in a country called Nyasaland, which is now called Malawi. They wanted to make things fair and equal for all the people who lived there, no matter what their skin color was.

Just like how you would want to share your toys with your friend and not keep all the good ones for yourself, they wanted everyone to have the same rights and opportunities.

But some people didn't agree with this and wanted to keep things the way they were, where certain people were treated better than others just because of their skin color.

The Nyasaland African Congress spoke up for what they believed was right and tried to make changes happen through peaceful protests and meetings with important people. Eventually, their hard work paid off and the country became more equal and fair for everyone who lived there.