ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

OPUS card

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen a special card that people use to ride the bus or train instead of paying coins? Well, that card is called an Opus Card. It's like a magic pass that allows you to go on different public transportation easily without having to buy separate tickets each time you ride.

So, when you want to ride the bus or train, you can go to a special machine or a store and put some money on your Opus Card. Then, you just tap your card on a special reader when you get on the bus or train and it will automatically take the fare from your card. It's very easy and convenient!

One good thing about the Opus Card is that you can use it on different types of public transportation, like the metro, bus, train, and even some ferries! And if you use it a lot, you can save money because it costs less to pay for each ride with your Opus Card than paying for separate tickets each time.

But be careful, kiddo! You have to remember to recharge your Opus Card and keep enough money on it, otherwise, you won't be able to ride anymore. It's like running out of coins when you want to buy something from a vending machine. So make sure to always check your balance and recharge your card before you go on a big adventure!