ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Ost-Arbeiter is a German word that means "workers from the East". The word "Ost" means "east" in German. So, Ost-Arbeiter refers to people who came from the eastern part of Europe to work in Germany.

Let's imagine that there is a big factory in Germany that makes cars. The factory needs a lot of workers to make the cars, but there aren't enough people in Germany who want to work there. So, the factory decides to hire people from other countries.

Many years ago, a lot of people from countries like Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary came to Germany to work in factories like this one. They were called Ost-Arbeiter because they came from the east.

These workers often lived in Germany for a few months or a few years, and then they went back home. They worked hard and earned money to help their families. Sometimes they would send the money back home to their families in their home countries.

The Ost-Arbeiter played an important role in the economy of Germany. They helped to fill jobs when there weren't enough workers in Germany. They also contributed to the economy by earning and spending money.