ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Oath of Citizenship (Canada)

An oath of citizenship is like a promise that you make when you become a Canadian citizen. It means that you promise to be loyal to Canada and follow the Canadian laws.

To do this, you have to go through a process to become a Canadian citizen. This involves passing a test about Canada and meeting certain requirements such as being a permanent resident for a certain amount of time.

Once you have done this and are ready to become a citizen, you will go to a ceremony. At the ceremony, you will stand in front of a Canadian flag and repeat the words of the oath. This oath is a promise to obey the Canadian laws, respect the rights of others and be loyal to Canada.

By taking the oath, you become a full citizen of Canada, which means you can vote, work in government jobs, and receive other benefits. It’s like joining a club and promising to follow their rules. And just like in a club, if you don’t follow Canada’s laws, you might get in trouble.