ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Obesity hypoventilation syndrome

Okay kiddo, you know how when you're running around and playing, you start to breathe faster and harder? That's because your body needs more oxygen when you're doing physical activity, like running and jumping. Now imagine if you're like a grown-up, and your body doesn't work as well as it should. Sometimes, when a person gets really overweight, it can be hard for them to breathe enough air in and out of their lungs.

When someone has a hard time breathing, it can make them feel really sleepy and tired all the time, because they're not getting enough oxygen. This can also make them feel really sick, because their body is not working properly. That's what obesity hypoventilation syndrome is – it's when someone is really overweight and they have a hard time breathing because their lungs can't work as well as they should.

Now, when someone has obesity hypoventilation syndrome, they might need to use a machine called a respirator that helps them breathe. It can be scary to think about using a machine to help you breathe, but it's important to remember that the machine helps them feel better and get enough oxygen. Also, if someone has obesity hypoventilation syndrome, they might need to lose some weight to help them breathe easier. Eating healthy foods and getting exercise can help them lose weight and feel better!