ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Object categorization from image search

Okay kiddo, let's learn about object categorization from image search. When we want to look for something online, we sometimes use words to describe what we are looking for. For example, if we want to find a picture of a dog, we might type the word "dog" into the search bar. The search engine will then show us pictures of dogs.

But what if we don't know how to describe what we are looking for in words? Well, that's where object categorization comes in. Object categorization is when a computer program can look at a picture and figure out what is in it. For example, if a computer sees a picture of a dog, it knows that there is a dog in the picture.

The computer does this by looking at different parts of the picture and comparing them to other pictures that it has seen before. It looks for things like shapes, colors, and textures to figure out what is in the picture. Once the computer knows what is in the picture, it can show us other pictures that are similar.

So when we search for a picture of a dog using an image search engine, the engine uses object categorization to look at the dog in the picture and find other pictures of dogs. This makes it easier for us to find what we are looking for, even if we don't know how to describe it in words.

Isn't that pretty cool, kiddo? We can use computers to help us find things even if we don't know how to describe them!