ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Octopus card

So, imagine you're going to ride on a bus or a train, but you don't have any money to pay. Uh! What are you going to do? Well, that's when an Octopus Card is really helpful.

An Octopus Card is like a special card that has money on it so that you can use it to pay for things like riding on a bus, train, or even buying things at a store. All you need to do is tap the card on a little machine, and the money will be taken out of the card and you will be able to pay for what you need!

It's called an Octopus Card because it has a picture of an Octopus on it, and Octopuses have eight legs. So, just like an Octopus can move in different ways, an Octopus Card can be used in lots of different places.

And the really cool thing is that if you need to add more money onto your Octopus Card, you can do it at special machines around the city or online. So, you never have to worry about not having enough money to ride on the bus or train or buy something at a store.

And that's what an Octopus Card is! It helps you pay for things and travel around the city. Pretty cool, huh?
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