Offset in computer science refers to the distance between a location in computer memory and a reference point, usually the start of the memory block. Think of it like counting the number of steps you take from your house to the park. The starting point is your house and the park is the memory location you want to reach. The number of steps you take is the offset value.
Similarly, in computer memory, the starting point is where the memory block begins, and the reference point is the location of the data you are accessing. The distance between these two points is the offset value. This value helps computer programs to locate and access specific pieces of data stored in memory.
For example, if you want to access the third element in an array stored in memory, you need to know the offset value of that element. Since arrays store data in contiguous memory locations, the offset value of an element is calculated by multiplying its index by the size of each element.
So, if the size of each element in the array is 4 bytes and you want to access the third element, the offset value would be 2 * 4 = 8 bytes. Therefore, the program would be able to locate the exact memory location of the third element using this offset value and retrieve its data.