ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Oglethorpe Plan

OK kiddo, let's talk about the Oglethorpe Plan. Have you ever heard of a city called Savannah in Georgia? Well, a long time ago, a man named James Oglethorpe wanted to create a new settlement there. But he didn't want it to be like any other city. He thought about all the problems that other cities had, like crowded streets, poverty, and crime. And he had an idea for a different kind of city.

You know how we have a backyard where we can play and relax? Oglethorpe wanted everyone in his city to have space like that. So, he planned the city in a way that there were lots of green spaces, parks, and gardens for people to enjoy. He also made sure that the streets were wide and straight, so they were easy to walk on and not too crowded with lots of buildings and houses.

Another thing that Oglethorpe thought about was how to keep everyone safe. He knew that in other cities, there were lots of crimes like theft and violence. So, he came up with a clever idea. He divided the city into small neighborhoods called "wards." Each ward had about 40 families living in it. And every ward had a trained soldier living in it too! This soldier was responsible for keeping everyone safe from harm.

Finally, Oglethorpe wanted his city to be welcoming to new people. He invited people from all over Europe to come live in the city. People from England, Germany, and even Africa came to live in Savannah. And because the city was designed to be so peaceful and friendly, people felt welcome and happy there.

So, that's the Oglethorpe Plan, kiddo. It was a way to create a city that was beautiful, safe, and friendly. And it worked! Savannah is still a beautiful and welcoming place today.