ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Oguri Kozukenosuke

Oguri Kozukenosuke was a person who lived a long time ago in Japan. He was a famous warrior and he was really good at fighting with a sword. People called him a "samurai".

His name was kind of long and hard to say, so people just called him "Oguri" for short. He lived in a time when there were a lot of battles going on between different parts of Japan, and he fought in many of these battles.

Oguri was known for being really strong and brave. He was also very smart and he could come up with good plans to win battles. People looked up to him and thought he was really cool.

Even though Oguri lived a long time ago, people still remember him today. There are stories and plays about him that people still like to watch. So even though he's not around anymore, people still think he was important and they remember him fondly.