ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area

Imagine you are playing with your toys and you have different toys in different boxes. These boxes represent different areas where different people, called tribes, live. Now, the Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area (OTSA) is like a big toy box that includes several smaller toy boxes representing different tribes that live in certain areas of Oklahoma.

The OTSA is a geographical area that contains different Native American tribes living in Oklahoma. These tribes have unique identities, cultures, and traditions that have been passed down from their ancestors. The OTSA allows for accurate collection and analysis of data specific to the Native American population living in Oklahoma. This data can be used by government organizations and others to better serve these communities and address their unique needs.

In essence, the OTSA is a way of grouping different tribes living in Oklahoma together to help provide a better understanding of statistics related to their health, education, income, or other factors. Just like how you group your toys together so you can find them easily, the OTSA groups tribes together so that people can better understand and serve their needs.