ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Old Great Bulgaria

Okay, kiddo - let me tell you about Old Great Bulgaria!

A long, long time ago, there was a group of people who lived in a place called Central Asia. They traveled around a lot and eventually settled down in a place called the Volga River region. These people were called the Bulgars.

The Bulgars were really good at making friends and trading with other people, but sometimes they got into fights. One day, the Bulgars had a big battle with another group of people, the Khazars, and they won! This made the Bulgars very happy, and they decided to make their own country.

So, they did just that! The Bulgars made a big, great country that they called "Old Great Bulgaria," and it was one of the biggest countries in the world at the time. They had a lot of land and a lot of people, and they were very proud of their country.

But, as you know, not everything can be perfect forever. Unfortunately, the Bulgars had some enemies, and after a while, their country started to get smaller and smaller. Eventually, it disappeared altogether.

But don't worry, kiddo! Even though Old Great Bulgaria isn't around anymore, its legacy lives on. The modern country of Bulgaria is actually named after the old country, and many people are still proud of their Bulgarian heritage.