ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps

Okay kiddo, so back in the olden days, when someone important needed to communicate a message really quickly, they couldn't just text or call someone on the phone like we do now. They would often use something called a fife and drum corps.

A fife is a small, high-pitched flute, and a drum is, well, a drum. The people in the fife and drum corps would march down the street playing their instruments to get people's attention and let them know about important news. They might play a special tune to signal that it was time for dinner or that danger was near.

But the fife and drum corps were also used for something else that was really important. They were a way to show off the strength and bravery of the military! Soldiers would march in formation with the fife and drum corps leading the way, and it made everyone watching feel safe and proud.

Nowadays, some people still keep the tradition of the old guard fife and drum corps alive. They play in parades and at other special events to remind us of our history and make us feel connected to our past. It may seem old-fashioned, but it's actually really cool to see people carrying on this tradition from so long ago!