ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Oliver Cromwell

Okay kiddo, Oliver Cromwell is someone who lived a long, long time ago in England. He was born in 1599 and died in 1658. He lived in a time when England was ruled by a king named Charles I. King Charles thought he had the power to do whatever he wanted, but a lot of people didn't agree with him, including Oliver Cromwell.

Oliver Cromwell was a very important person in England's history. When he was a young man, he was an MP (Member of Parliament). This meant that he could help make the laws that governed the country. He was very good at speaking in public and he was very popular with the people.

When King Charles was not listening to the voices of the people who disagreed with him, they became very angry. So angry in fact, that they started a war against the king's army. This war is known as the English Civil War.

Cromwell was one of the leaders of the people who were fighting against the king. He was very good at fighting and he was able to win many battles against the king's army. Eventually, they won the war and King Charles was put on trial for crimes against the people. He was found guilty and was executed.

After the war was over, Cromwell became the leader of England. He wasn't a king, but he was in charge. He made many changes that helped the people of England. He abolished some unfair laws and created new ones that helped to create a fairer society.

Cromwell was a very important person in England's history, but not everyone liked him. Some people thought he was too strict and didn't like the changes he made. After his death, the monarchy was restored and England went back to being ruled by kings and queens.

But even though he was controversial, many people still remember Cromwell as a great leader who helped change England for the better.