ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Omnibus Law on Job Creation

So you know how when you want to have a party, you have to make a lot of plans and get things like balloons, cake, and decorations? It's kind of like that, but instead of a party, it's about making rules for how people can work and get jobs.

The omnibus law on job creation is a bunch of new laws that the big people in charge of the country decided to make. They made these laws to try and make it easier for companies to hire people and for people to find jobs.

One of the things they did was to make it so that companies don't have to follow as many rules when they want to hire people. This means that it might be easier for companies to hire more people, but it also means that some workers might not get treated as fairly as before.

They also made some rules about how people can work and how much money they should get paid. For example, they said that if you work more than eight hours a day, your boss has to pay you extra money.

Some people don't like these new laws because they think that they might make things worse for workers. Other people think that they'll make things better for everyone. Only time will tell if the omnibus law on job creation will make things better or worse for people who work in Indonesia.