ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Omnibus clause

Imagine you have a toy box filled with lots of different toys - there's a teddy bear, a toy car, some blocks, a puzzle, and more. Now imagine that your mom tells you that you can play with any toy in the box whenever you want. This is a bit like what an omnibus clause is!

An omnibus clause is a special part of a legal document (like a contract or a law) that says that lots of different things are allowed or covered, all at the same time. Just like how you can play with any toy in your toy box, an omnibus clause means that lots of different things are included or allowed.

For example, let's say you sign a contract with a sports team to play on their team. The contract might have an omnibus clause that says "you can play on any team sport that the team participates in." This means that you're not just signing up to play one specific sport (like basketball), but you're agreeing to be part of any other team sport the team might play (like soccer, or volleyball).

So, an omnibus clause is like a special rule that lets you do or have lots of different things, all at once.