ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

On-Line Isotope Mass Separator

Okay kiddo, so let's talk about an on-line isotope mass separator. This is a big machine that helps scientists take a closer look at different atoms and molecules.

You see, everything around us is made up of tiny things called atoms. And those atoms have different parts inside of them, like protons and neutrons. Sometimes, those atoms have different numbers of those parts, and we call those different varieties isotopes.

Now, scientists want to study those isotopes to learn more about them. So they use an on-line isotope mass separator. It's like a big filter that can sort out the different isotopes from each other.

Here's how it works. Scientists start by shooting a beam of particles, like ions, at a target material that contains the isotopes they want to study. When those particles hit the target, they knock off some of the atoms and molecules inside.

All of those particles fly through a big machine called an accelerator, which helps speed them up. Then they enter the mass separator. This is a big device that uses electric and magnetic fields to sort out the particles based on their mass.

Some particles are lighter and some are heavier, and the mass separator can separate them out into different streams. This way, scientists can study just the isotopes they're interested in.

So, to summarize, an on-line isotope mass separator is a big machine that helps scientists study different isotopes by sorting them out from other particles using electric and magnetic fields. It's pretty cool, huh?