ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Online interview

An online interview is when someone talks to someone else over the internet using a computer or smartphone instead of meeting them in person. It's like a video call or a phone call where you can see and hear the other person on the screen.

Just like a normal interview, it's a way for companies to ask questions and learn about someone who might want to work for them. But instead of going to the company's office, you can do the interview from your own home or wherever you have a good internet connection.

For an online interview, you may need to use a website or app that the company sets up for you. They will send you an invitation with a link to click on. When you click the link, it will take you to a page where you can see and hear the person interviewing you.

It's important to make sure you have a quiet and comfortable place to do the interview so you can focus on answering their questions. You also want to dress nicely like you would for an in-person interview. And if you're not used to talking on camera, it might feel a little strange at first, but just remember to look at the camera and speak clearly.

Overall, an online interview is just a way to meet and talk to someone over the internet instead of in person. It's a great option if you can't travel to the company's office, or if you're more comfortable doing it from home.