ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Opal card

Okay, kiddo! Have you ever seen a magic card that you can use to travel on trains, buses, and ferries in Australia? No? Well, let me tell you about it!

An Opal card is a magic card that you can use to travel around different places in Australia. It is like a special card that you can tap on machines or readers on buses, trains, or ferries to pay for your trip. It works like a piggy bank that you add money to, and each time you tap, a little bit of the money comes out to pay for your ride.

To get an Opal card, you need to go to a special place where they give them out, like a shop or a station. You can choose to get an adult one or a kid one, depending on your age. Once you get your magic card, you need to add some money to it, so you can use it to travel.

Now, when you want to go somewhere, all you have to do is tap your card on the machine or reader as you get on and off the bus, train, or ferry. The magic card will know where you are going and charge the right amount of money. And when your card runs out of money, you can always add more at a shop or station.

So, that's it, buddy! That's all you need to know about the magic Opal card. Next time you go on a trip, make sure to bring your magic card with you and tap it on the machine. Have fun!