ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Open XML Paper Specification

Okay kiddo, so imagine you have a bunch of papers and you want to save them on your computer. But just saving them like a regular file isn't good enough. You want the computer to know where each picture, text or title should go, and also how it should look like. That's where Open XML Paper Specification comes in.

Open XML Paper Specification is like a set of rules that tell the computer how to store and organize all the information in your papers. It's like a special language that the computer understands, so it can create a file that looks just like your papers, but in a digital form.

When you save your papers in Open XML format, the computer makes a document that includes all the text, images, diagrams, and charts, as well as how they all relate to each other. This document is then put in a special container, with a special file extension, that tells the computer that it's an Open XML Paper.

Because Open XML Paper Specification is so detailed, it means that the computer can do all sorts of interesting things with your papers. For example, you can give the computer detailed instructions on how to format text, create links and even build charts. This all helps your papers look exactly the same as they do on paper when you open them on the computer - only digital!

So in short, Open XML Paper Specification is a special set of rules that helps you save all your paper documents and organize them on your computer, so you can view and edit them in a digital form, while keeping their original layout and design.